Product Details
Luxe Red Rose Bouquet
Ignite the flames of passion for Anniversaries, Proposals or Valentines Day with 12 stunning reflexed red roses. Their velvety petals and captivating blooms symbolize deep love and devotion, creating a timeless gift that speaks straight to the heart - because love deserves perfection! Features a dozen long stem roses with each petal maticulously opened or 'reflexed' one by one to create a beautiful open rose bouquet.
Perfect gift to bring to a proposal or send in Melbourne for Valentines.
Available for same day delivery across Melbourne.
H60cm 50cm
Substitution Policy
The product pictured is a guide for our florists to create, and every effort is made to ensure it is as close to possible to the image pictured. Due to seasonal availability, local availability, gifts and container availability there are times however when this is impossible.
Lillypad love combining flowers that are in season so that you receive a unique floral gift. Trust our florists to use the main flowers mentioned combined with seasonal complimenting blooms when certain flowers aren't available or are sold out for a beautiful unique floral gift.
If certain flowers or containers are unavailable we will substitute it with another item of similar design, colour, quality and price.
By choosing a different colour/flower scheme our florists will select as many mentioned flowers combined with seasonal flowers to create a custom gift.
By checking out you agree to our substitution policy.